Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Whakarua 4 Starts Week 2 with Flying Colours!

From beautifully illustrated handwriting to aerodynamic paper planes, Monday left me impressed.

Click "Read More" to see pictures of of our students work. Including Ethaniel, Bry, Bren, Scarlett, Phoenix and many many more!

Once you've seen the slides please leave a comment below of whose work you can tell was created with a lot of care and effort.


  1. Tyler says some very cool planes there guys

  2. Bry, Warren, Bren, Rocky and Tyson what fantastic alphabet writing you all did, super creative! Ethaniel and Veronica you really nailed those digital schedules. Everyone has put in so much work into their Furry Potter Alphabet Hunts, so many amazing word ideas, and love all those colours Bren. Paper planes galore, I'd love to know how far the flew? Scarlett and Phoenix - looks like you had a lot of fun racing yours. Everyone has been working hard and having fun with their home learning, can't wait to see what you do next!

  3. Miss V, your home room have been working extremely hard! My mouth was wide open when I was flicking through these slides and then my jaw dropped when I saw that 'blinged up' handwriting. Awesome to see they're putting amazing effort into their home learning.


Whakarua 1- Why We Need Birds .....