Friday, April 17, 2020

Bring your animal to online school day!

I wonder if you can spot and comment whose who and who brought an animal (stuffed or real) to Whakarua 1's show and tell today?

Miss G


  1. Oh Whakarua 1, this is awesome! Great to see all of your smiling faces and your gorgeous pets. I just love those snuggly stuffed animals too. Kobe, your dog looks very well behaved sitting there like that! I don't think my dog would be able to sit on my knee, she'd squash me! Have a great weekend Team.

    From Mrs Signal

  2. Poor pip took off after having her photo taken was not a happy kitty with Matthew

  3. Poor pip took off after having her photo taken was not a happy kitty with Matthew

    1. Oh no! We were lucky she stuck around for the photo. Thanks for the comment Amy.

  4. There's some super-cute animals (and kids) there! We miss you Whakarua 1!


Whakarua 1- Why We Need Birds .....