Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Whakarua 2- Home Learning Heroes - Click 'read more'


  1. Good work Whakarua 2 - Looks like you have been working hard! I love seeing the different creative ways that you share your work with us. Ka rawe!

  2. Alyan, what an amazing analogue clock you made, its super cute. All your work is so neat and creative. Aaleiya, those paper planes look sleek and super fast, how did they fly? Loving your colourful alphabet design too, very artistic. Way to go Dysharn, great reading and spelling. I see there has been lots of awesome home learning being done by everyone.

  3. Just loving my time with Whakarua and seeing their smiling faces. Lots of them are sharing their work with me too which makes my day!

  4. cool great job aalan.(:
    (sorry if I spelt your name wrong)

  5. Helloooooo, Mrs C here! Great to see you all working incredibly hard! Dysharn, you have done a excellent job with your learning. I see that you read the "Lost" book without any problems. That's awesome. Perhaps you could challenge yourself with something a bit harder. I've been doing lots of reading too! I can see you have been practising your spelling too. Well done on getting the words right. Keep it up! Alyan, I love your clock and paper plane. You have beautifully illustrated your clock. Ka Pai!! That must have taken you a long time! You have all been very busy bees indeed. Keep it up!!!

  6. hi Alan i like the way that you made your plan. this reminds me of your home learning

  7. Hi Dysharn
    will done with your homework it is amazing
    and next time you can make man move around your room so it
    looks like a relly man is well.
    by bella


Whakarua 1- Why We Need Birds .....