Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Todays learning light from Whakarua 1 shines on... Jessica, Oliver and Frank

Kia ora team! First day of home learning= done! I certainly enjoyed viewing and giving feedback on all the hard work that was done today and I know the other teachers did too. Thank you to those people who have sent their work through, it has really made our day! And thank you to the whanau who have been supporting our learners on this journey. Each day we will display 3 children's work from each of our 4 homerooms.

Today I have picked Jessica, Oliver and Frank from W1 to display their work on our blog. I wonder if you could leave a comment to let them know what you thought of it. I thought it was pretty awesome!

Jessica's one is the collage with the pink around the outside. Jess I love the way that you added pictures to your maths task today which was to create a day as sequenced events. Miss G is jealous you have included blueberries on your lunch piece (yum!). What do you watch on TV?

Next up is Oliver. Oliver, I love the way that you have compared Dribble the turtle to a dog by saying Dribble is not soft, fury or licks you! It is awesome to see you enjoying your chapter chat activities for literacy. Ka rawe!

Last but certainly not least is our smiley dude, Frank. Frank I just love how proud you look displaying your literacy work. Now that you have told us how many jellybeans there are in Mrs Fargo's Jellybean jar, I wonder if we will find out the flavours in the following chapters. What do you think they are?

We are so proud of our children. We hope you are as equally as proud. Until tomorrow.

Miss Goslin :)


  1. Wow! Loving all the home learning you have shown us today Miss Goslin! Well done Frank, I love your lolly jar, thats a lot of jelly beans, did anyone get to eat them by the end of the story? I wish I could! Oliver, your letter formation for your alphabet is fantastic - well done you! I also enjoyed your sequencing of events, I like bike riding and gardening too, sounds like you are keeping very busy. Jess looks like you're keeping very busy too, did you see any bears on your walk? That red apple you had for lunch looks delicious! Keep up the good work everyone :-)

    1. yes ive seen lots of bears of my walk

  2. Kia ora wonderful Team Toi Toi ākonga! What an amazing job you have done with your home learning. Jessica, you've done a great job sequencing your day from beginning to end. It looks like you have a great routine! Oliver, you've made me want to learn more about Dribble the Turtle with your description. Frank, you've done a wonderful job on your Jelly Bean activity and it is great to see you taking such pride in your learning. Well done to all the other learners who have given something a try at home today. You are all incredible!
    Miss Williamson

  3. Thanks Miss Williamson

  4. To Miss G
    Thanks for putting my work on the blog , I had fun doing it.

    1. No problem Jessica, I know you worked really hard, keep up the great work.

  5. Well done Oliver and Frank on your work

  6. Well done team what great work 😊

  7. I loved looking at all this work Whakarua 1. Did you enjoy hearing Miss Goslin read chapter 1 of our book today? I can't wait to see what happens in chapter's a long one so make sure you find a comfortable spot before you press play. Can't wait to see your work tomorrow!

  8. Lots of kids doing a great job.

  9. Hi team, Mrs C here! What an awesome start to our new way of learning. It's wonderful to see you all working really hard and staying safe at the same time. Ka pai! Frank, I love to see you so happy and proud of your work. Your jelly bean maths work looks awesome. Well done! Oliver, it's so good to see your amazing work. I can tell you have worked very hard at your Dribble story. Maybe you could read it to me when we get back to school? Your handwriting is very neat and you have tried hard and stayed focused at getting your letters all the same size. Your daily activity chart is very colourful. I like the way you used lots of different colours to make your work more interesting. Jessica, you have worked really hard and I can tell you are proud of your work by the beautiful colouring and display. It reminds me of when I was your age at school. I liked drawing then too. Congratulations on getting so many words right in your spelling test. Isn't it great that our Mums and Dads can join in the fun and help you too? Give yourselves a pat on the back. You should be really proud of yourselves. I know I am!!


Whakarua 1- Why We Need Birds .....