Tuesday, May 21, 2019

P.E- Balance and Stability

This term for P.E we are focusing on learning about body awareness and specifically learning about balance and stability.

We have learned a game called 'Cone Piles'.
The rules are:
1. you have to stand on your spot (on one foot)
2. try and stack as many cones as you can without falling and racing against your buddy
3. Then you swap with the person behind you and they have to unstack the cones while balancing on one foot too!

We find it difficult to stay steady on our spot- especially when the cones are out of reach or stuck together tightly. We challenge ourselves even more by trying to only use one hand!

To help us stay steady and balanced (without falling), we have learned some tricks.
You can:
- hold your arms out
- stare at a spot on the ground that isn't moving
- do deep breathing
- move your body weight over the part of your body holding you up
- put your hands on your hips
and even poke your tongue out or hold your ears!!!

What balance activities do you know of? What balance tricks do you know?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Team Toi Toi, we really liked the look of your awesome PE game. We would really like to have a go at it. Did you have a limited amount of time to play, or did you use up all of the cones? We were also wondering how many cones did you start with?
    From Kererū Learning Space at Wigram Primary and Whaea Andrea


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