Friday, April 17, 2020

Here is your SURPRISE!!!!! The Whakarua teachers are FAMOUS! Click 'read more' then click the pic. You will be a-mazed!


  1. Jayden, Harry and I enjoyed that video.
    Jay especially loves Miss Bannan Cat, Miss Goslings headstand and the fact that you are enjoying some time with your families. Take care, thank you and enjoy your weekend.

  2. From Katy & Oliver - We both really enjoyed watching this especially Oliver. I think secretly he misses you all. I could only wish to do a head stand like you did Miss Goslin. Have a great weekend all of you.

  3. Wow... Amazing video made. Veronica loved it so much

  4. Fantastic! Thank you for sharing and letting us into your bubbles. Love that fluffy cat Miss Bannon.

  5. I love the video 😍 I hope you make another one . From Kaia-Rose🌹


Whakarua 1- Why We Need Birds .....