Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Home Learning from Whakarua 3

What a great first day of home learning! I hope you all enjoyed listening to the first chapter of our story, and completing your set tasks for the day. It has been wonderful to see all the hard work you are doing from your bubble. A big thank you to all our families who are supporting this home learning!

As Miss Goslin mentioned in the previous post, the Whakarua teachers will be choosing three children's work to share on the blog. Today from my home class, I have chosen Max, Eliza and Fynn.

Max has completed his literacy, maths and handwriting tasks. Max, it's awesome that you challenged yourself by doing the level 2 maths activity - ka pai! See a collage of Max's work below.

Next up is Eliza. She was up early this morning making a start on her home learning, and has chosen to send her work through on a Google Slide. Eliza, I can see how busy you have been by looking at your daily events that you sequenced in order. Good job!

Last but not least is Fynn's work - shown below in a pic collage. We can see Fynn watching Miss Goslin read chapter 1 of our story, as well as his handwriting, maths and literacy tasks (and a bit of break time bouncing on the trampoline!). Fynn, I love the bright colours you have used to draw Dribble the Turtle, and it looks like you have tried really hard to keep your handwriting nice and neat. Well done!

Well done Whakarua! Keep up the hard work and enjoy this time at home with your whānau. Looking forward to seeing tomorrow's home learning! ☺
Ka kite ano!

Miss Bannan


  1. Awesome job team! Ka pai Max, how cool that you included Dribble at the birthday table. Eliza it seem like you know a lot about turtles and ways we can protect them. What do you do in your Arabic classes? Fynn I love how your mum joined in on the fun! I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

  2. Fantastic work Whakarua 3- you little superstars! I hope you are looking forward to hearing Chapter 2 tomorrow...... you may get to know Fudge, the naughty little brother..........

  3. Wow Miss Bannan your students are such hard workers! I love how different each of their work looks. Awesome to see Fynn and his mum drawing together for that literacy task.

  4. Great to see you all doing some incredible learning!! Awesome handwriting Max. I can see you have tried really hard to keep all your letters the same size. Eliza, I really like your Dribble story and picture. You have made your work really interesting by using lots of colour. Well done! Fynn, your daily activity is very well displayed and easy to read. Great job! Keep up the good work guys and give yourselves a pat on the back. You deserve it!!


Whakarua 1- Why We Need Birds .....