Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Pacifica Art in Whakarua 1 & 2


  1. that looks like yous did hard work on that good Job

  2. Elijah j looks like hard work yous did good job

  3. I enjoyed how all the picketers are different how did you do it.

  4. Hi my name is Lee-chin i really like your work i still see it now on the wall
    i really like the different patterns
    next time you should do a drawing of it.

  5. Tena Koutou
    Whakarau 1 and 2
    My name is Aaleiyah
    It looks like you had some awesome fun making the Samoan art I wish I could do that. I love it because it looks awesome. You all did a great job doing Soman art. My question is who taught you to do samoan you all Whakarau 1 and 2 love you again peace out.


Whakarua 1- Why We Need Birds .....