Thursday, July 25, 2019


Yesterday afternoon we were spoilt with a visit from Elgregoe the Magician!

He had some amazing different birds from different parts of the world. He was really good at making them appear from empty boxes etc.

Baillee and Mikayla from our learning space got called up to be Elgregoe's Assistants which was hilarious to watch.

Bailee had a lie detector put on her head and Elgregoe asked her lots of questions. Every time the lie detector thought Bailee wasn't telling the truth it lit up red and buzzed- her face was so funny when it lit up red.

Mikayla helped Elgregoe to float a table through the air by only holding a table cloth. She had to let go at one point because it went so high!

Here is one of the birds that came with Elgregoe.


  1. Kia Ora This Shined Because the photos made It Look fun
    Why did he come to your School?
    From Misty Rose

  2. kia ora i love your post. Becauseti looks Fun why did he come to your school? Did you put someone up the stange did ti looks scary when you when up the stange Nā Shikya Nā Alexis

  3. Kia ora the interesting part was piting the lie detector on her head. Did you Like elgrego? Nā Te Ararangi


Whakarua 1- Why We Need Birds .....