Sunday, March 29, 2020

Thursday, March 26, 2020

More Home Learning From Whakarua

Look who has been busy with her home learning. Ka pai Alyan! Keep up the great work :) 


Lucas' Home Learning (writing)

Fantastic work, Lucas. 

I wonder if anyone else knows about Cookie Cutter Sharks

They sound very interesting ........

This is what they look like. A wee bit scary.......
Isistius brasiliensis SI

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Aiden has completed a maths task at home !


Head over to our learning site for everything you need! 

If you complete the daily activities and share them with us you will earn thank you tickets! Here are our email addresses

Miss Goslin 
Mrs McIntyre
Miss Bannan
Miss Vermaak

Which mini-hub will win the thank you ticket competition? 

Image result for ready set go!

Starry Night Artwork

On Monday we learned about a painting called 'Starry Night' by the famous artist Vincent Van Gogh. We created our own version by following step-by-step instructions. We could use either pastel or coloured pencil for the colours. What do you think of our artwork?

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Check out the posters we have been making ! You will see these around the school to remind people to wash their hands.

Time for Some Gardening !

We had fun out in the sun doing some gardening on Wednesday.The Whakarua children love being  'eco-warriors' - taking care of our awesome school environment. A big thank you to Kayla for coming to help us. We can't wait until next week !

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

If you go down to the woods today.............

Even though it was cold, the teddy bears had a great day being read to, meeting other teddy bears and having lunch with their owners. 

Whakarua 1- Why We Need Birds .....